Avocado & Lime Tart

We have various options when it comes to preparing a tart, we might think about the taste, if it is sweet & of course the presentation it’s also an important part to decide what kind of tart we’re going to prepare. For this Epsilon Gourmet recipe we’ll go with a sweet & delicious avocado & lime tart. 


  • 2 cups of AvoGrand avocado pulp
  • 200 gm of integral cookies. 
  • 50 gm of cashew nuts. 
  • 50 gm of honey. 
  • Sunflower oil. 
  • 2 decilitters of almond milk. 
  • 2 limes. 


  1. Leave the cashew nuts soak with room temperature water.
  2. Grind the cookies  with 2 spoonfuls of sunflower oil until you have a paste consistency. 
  3. Put the paste inside a mold & bake for 10 minutes up to 180 celsius degrees & let it cool. 
  4. Pour your 2 cups of AvoGrand avocado pulp on top of the paste uniformly. 
  5. Grate the lime & squeeze it inside the bowl. 
  6. Pour the milk into the bowl. 
  7. Drain the cashew nuts & crush them into the bowl until you have an homogeneous mix. 
  8. Smooth the surface carefully & leave it for 24 hours in the freezer. 
  9. Unmold the tart running a knife all over the edges & let the tart cool for 10 minutes. 
  10. Serve your tart decorating with the remaining lime cut in slices. 